Let's try something NEW!

Okay. Here's my attempt at staying in touch with my friends across the Pacific (or Atlantic - whichever way you prefer to fly). My other blog, Elthinks, was and is meant for musings and concrete stuff, as opposed to the traditional "Today I..." kind of stuff. I've been taking a reaaaaaally long look at myself these past few weeks, and I've come to realize how spectacularly I have failed to keep in touch. Definitely not good, seeing as how I'd promised to. Even worse, 'cause I really want to. And I don't.
So, here I am, starting off this new blogamajiggy. I christened it Snapshots from El, Inc., and commissioned it as an avenue for me to share snapshots (pictorial or otherwise) from my days, weeks, and months.
Do not expect much thought in this blog - as the eminent Dr. Stephenson, my wonderfully eccentric-genius professor of Psychology, would say it: raw and operationally defined observations sans interpretations.
Hehe. Not really la...
But I really do hope to keep my friends and family in on my life while our separation lasts.
"As cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country"
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