Monday, January 29, 2007

More to come..

Since my last post, I have:
  1. Been preparing to lead worship in First Baptist (maiden voyage!)
  2. Been working hard to keep up with my school work so that I have more time to spend with Daddy
  3. Been slacking off keeping in touch with my friends and family - terribly sorry!!! *bows profusely* I resolve to amend that within the next few days.
  4. Been slacking off blogging
  5. Got a new camera!! It's a Canon Powershot A630, and it takes photos like this:
  6. Been learning about politics and relishing it
  7. Learned a few new words:
    • Legerdemain - clever sleight of hand (also, by implication: trickiness, craftiness)
    • Convoluted - complicated
    • Junta - small group that governs a territory/political entity
More to come, more to come.. More snapshots, musings, etc. Must keep my promises.. *wanders off muttering to himself about integrity and honor and keeping-your-word*

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At 5:09 PM, Blogger KathyH said...

Well, it's about time, slacker!

Hey, say some of that deep stuff you say in our worship small group, like the impact of a shoelace on you,ok?

I'll be waiting!

At 5:09 PM, Blogger KathyH said...

Well, it's about time, slacker!

Hey, say some of that deep stuff you say in our worship small group, like the impact of a shoelace on you,ok?

I'll be waiting!


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