Saturday, April 22, 2006

Snapshot of El's mind - 6:20pm, Saturday, April 22, 2006.

Aight. To cut the long story short, I'm feeling REALLY lousy right now. It is very annoying, because it's one of those things that are compounded. You know, you feel bad about something, and then you feel bad because you feel bad?

This really does stink.

I thanked God for the whole thing, asked him to help me change my attitud...wait.

Yea, this is NOT helping at all. Venting has its place, and I'm pretty sure it's not here, not now. I'm griping about things that can be fixed, superfluities and little things that melt away before the awesome God that all this is for.

Yeesh. How can you be so blind, Joel? *knocks head*

"Lord, thank you so much for your love and your mercy. Thank you that your strength is made perfect in my weakness. Even though I am utterly incapable of "handling" this, getting myself into the right attitude, responding well to irritations, etc. - I choose to, and trust you to provide the grace for me to follow through. You said in your word that the same spirit that raised up Christ from the dead, that same unquenchable power, is living and active within me - so I take you at your word, and ask you to help me tap into that to show forth your character in this situation, to let all of my words, actions, and attitudes reflect you. Let your fragrance issue forth from me when I am crushed, Lord. I thank you for this circumstance."


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