Trading licks
My wrist hurts like crazy. We were trading licks in the hallway just a couple of minutes ago, and I took on one Cody Ellis. My first punch, I knew something was up, cos I felt my wrist kinda cave at the moment of impact. When I punched again, I saw him flex and lean into my punch, and I figured out what he was doing. Turns out he grew up in a really rough neighborhood - tough kid's had his nose broken 5 times street-fighting. That whole flex-and-lean thing was one piece of street wisdom that a middle-class kid like me wouldn't know.So, here's another new thing I learned today. It's quite possible to sprain, even break, your opponent's wrist by simply flexing your arm and leaning into the punch at just the right moment.
So, uh...if you happen to be trading licks, and you see your opponent flexing his arm, you might wanna be a little careful there. Probably 3 or 4 punches and you'll do serious your wrist.
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