No trial seems pleasant at the time, but...
"...we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28).Familiar passage, no? I came across this email from my beloved Aunt Lai Lai, and it had some vivid imagery that helped to flesh out this time-worn (and sometimes too familiar) truth.

A couple of things to bear in mind:
1) Please note that each person is bearing a cross, indicating that they are disciples (see Luke 9:23), therefore
2) The crossing that the person with the shortened cross is not able to go over is NOT the entryway into heaven (or at least, that's how I interpret it) - it's more of a missed blessing, and
3) This blessing is missed because the person did not have the full cross (symbolizing suffering, death to self).
For those of you who are in the habit of shying away from suffering and pain (and this includes me), let's be spurred on to stop fighting God's purposes - let's allow him to work out good in our lives, even though it hurts.
Also, I hope this little verse and illustration can be a source of encouragement for some of you who are going through hard times - Romans 8:28 is not superficial! Take heart! Your suffering can actually become the bridge over which you pass into blessedness!
Praise our Omnipotent and loving Father!
May God bless each one of you richly with ever increasing love for our blessed Savior!
Labels: For the spirit
Dang! That's powerful!!
You think well and are also able to lay out your thoughts very well:) Praise God for the gift.
yar! really must praise him wor.. a lot of times it doesn't come out of me so much as it comes to me. god is truly very geng.
thank you tho, for your gracious compliment. :) *bows*
Hey El
Got the link to your blog from facebook.
Awesome post :) Loved it! Especially with my current situation..
Know what, there was a job opportunity that came thru the mail today. A faculty member from the History dept is looking to hire someone to help here with conversational Malay, paying $15 an hour :) which is much higher compared to what most of the other people I know are getting. Really praying I'll get it. I've been resenting studying Malay all my life, but now see possibly part of God's purpose in me studying that (though I'm sure His purpose in me studying Malay is so much greater than just for a job).
Take care! Just dropping a note :)
Wah, what insight. I saw the same pictures but didn't really take time to look for the message. Great Job.
ish ish
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