Sunday, November 18, 2007

another "i'm sorry for not blogging post"

me is pitiful. last post was weeks and weeks ago. ah, me. =p needless to say, i still live. as to how i'm doing? as i wrote on an old friend's facebook wall the other day, i am "taking photos, learning psych, playing music, loving life, god, friends, missing home and char koay teow and mamak, beginning to stress about postgraduate options, looking for internship this summer, trying to save $$, wishing i was rajin enough to blog consistently, sleeping late.." to sum it, life is good.
the sem's winding down to a close, and i can't shake this gnawing feeling that i've only barely scratched the surface of the disciplines i'm supposed to be studying this semester - social psychology, descriptive statistics, and new testament greek. it's a true statement (that i've only scratched the surface), but it does not follow that i haven't learnt much.
i realized yesterday while talking with anna bout the sem that i've actually amassed quite a bit of skills and knowledge in my studying this sem - the only difference i can identify between this sem and sems past has been my level of output (measured by the amount of tests and papers i've had to do for my classes).
i've previously gotten used to weekly 30-page reports, bi-monthly tests, and homework, homework, homework. this sem's been different. with the absence of "output" (read: busy work), i've had more freedom to explore the disciplines. i've been using my handy greek new testament for my bible study, and have actually begun browsing psych journals (esp. social psych) for FUN (god forbid!! =p). i like things this way. even now, as i'm studying for an impending social psych test (on tues), i'm enjoying looking up research and actually LEARNING the stuff, as opposed to merely engulfing material to be regurgitated come test day.
makes me feel like the money invested in my education is paying dividends. =)
enough talk, then. let me entertain you with... *DRUM ROLL* *CHIANG!!!*

(introducing.. Alicia and Kellie!!)
Kellie: eh? is he taking our picture ar?

Alicia: erm... wait ar, let me think..

Kellie: think so long for wat, just look at the fler la!!

Alicia: hmmm.. ya hor..


Note: No subjects or photographers were harmed in the making of this pointless excuse for a story.

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