State of the El
This is too funny not to share. I was cracking my head trying to get things together for the introduction to my Senior thesis. I decide that I'm too exhausted to keep going for the mo, so I decide to take a breather. This is what happened:
I took a nap la, basically. But I think that picture is a very clear window into the state of my mind right now. I'm beginning to feel the wear and tear of a long spring semester. I'm not as alert as I'd like to be, and my mind isn't functioning as well as I want it to. I'm hovering between peace and crippling worry over everything that I need to finish before the end of the semester: 1) three chapters of a research proposal (introduction, review of literature, and methods), 2) a research paper on Kabuki theater, 3) a statistical report over 6 nonsense statistical problems for Inferential Statistics, 4) a comprehensive final exam for statistics, covering 2 semesters' worth of material, 5) an ethics course that will include 20+ more 15-20 minute modules, and 6) analysis papers for two concerts I've attended. That's what I think is worth mentioning.
Life as a student is tough. Boo-hoo. =p
Not really la. I'm thankful for adults in my life who help me to retain a proper perspective. Kevin Rainey and Lisa Edington are two that immediately come to mind that have stressed that life doesn't get any easier after college. I was able to cognitively grasp that last night, and thanked God profusely that all I really had to worry about right now is my studies and my stress from my studies. I don't have to worry about bills, mother-in-laws, crying babies, leaking roofs, and overbearing bosses. All I have to worry about stems from a huge blessing that God has provided me: the enormous opportunity of an Education. And I am thankful for that. Thankful for a mind capable of learning. Thankful for the capacity to write and communicate. Thankful for the capacity to read and understand and assimilate and struggle with knowledge and concepts and ideas and skills and methods and procedures. And thankful, most of all, for loved ones in my life that provide support and make it possible for me to carry on. Friends here.. Friends back home.. My church here, and my church back home.. And my family. :)
I can understand that. I did that before when writing my essays in Brussels. It's a reminder of our human frailty. I am not superwoman and you are not superboy!!! Will be praying for you.
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